Shopkins Fan Wikia

Shelena Shampoo was a fanmade Shoppie. Her theme is shampoos. She is created by Elena155.


Shelena Shampoo - Always Sweet and Clean!

Shelena Shampoo likes using and making shampoos in the Shampoo Factory. Her BFF, Lulu Shampoo, likes her best shampoos she made with Petunias, sunflowers, etc! Whenever her friends feel angry, she comes along to give them her clean shampoos!

Favorite Hobby: Making new shampoos!

Your Shopkins BFF:Lulu Shampoo

Favorite place to shop: Shampooella's Shampoo Store


Shelena Shampoo has blonde hair with a shampoo-themed headband and a ponytail. She also has a pink sleeveless dress and she wears a shampoo ring. She has green eyes and pink eyeshadow, she also has shoes with pink shampoos on them.


She comes with a shampoo-shaped comb, a shampoo bottle, and even a silver shampoo-shaped mirror. She also has a light pink doll stand.

The exclusive Shopkin included with her was Lulu Shampoo.


  • Her first name is a pun on a girl's name, "Elena".
  • She was the other Shoppie with only one Shopkin BFF.